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Managing Your Active Loads: Carrier’s Guide to CoyoteGO

The My Loads section of CoyoteGO® for North American carriers allows you to access key information every Coyote load you have ever booked — both in progress and previously moved.

This article will show you how to quickly and easily:

Stay on Top of Your Freight with My Tasks

When you hover over the My Loads menu, My Tasks will be one of your options.

My Tasks provides a quick-view dashboard of all the pending tasks you need to complete on your active loads (e.g. dispatching drivers, adding arrival times, uploading documents).

It will also show you any active load tenders that we have sent you that still need your confirmation.

My tasks in CoyoteGO for carriers

Manage the Full Lifecycle of Your Coyote Shipments in My Loads

My Loads has search, sort, filter and export (download) functionality, so finding the data you need is quick and easy.

My Loads in CoyoteGO for carriers

Once you find the load you were looking for, you can click into the load details page and do all of the following:

    • View all load details
    • Update pick up and delivery information
    • Update driver and dispatch information
    • Request detention
    • Report a Lumper
    • Update driver in & out times
    • Add tracking notes
    • Upload documents
    • Submit invoices

Let’s highlight a few of the functions.

View Stop Details

stop details in CoyoteGO for carriers

Get notes and details about pick up and delivery locations, add and update relevant numbers (Seal, BOL, POD, etc.) and commodity information, and report a lumper.

View Driver Tracking Details

Get a map view of driver progress, milestone status update events, tracking notes and dispatch information.

tracking details in CoyoteGO for carriers

Manage Detention

How to Notify Us When a Driver is Entering Detention       

You can save time and avoid the hassle of a phone call or email by using CoyoteGO to alert us when one of your drivers is experiencing a delay or about to enter detention.

Here’s how:

    1. Navigate to the Stops tab and look for the “Detention” drop down menu in the Pick Up box.
    2. Select “Notify Coyote” under the “Detention” drop down menu.
    3. Click “Notify Coyote” when prompted by the pop-up window.

detention notification in CoyoteGo for carriers

How to Request Driver Detention

If you do need to request detention, you can do so through the CoyoteGO mobile app or from the desktop web portal.

Simply select “Request Detention” from the “Detention” dropdown menu within the Stops tab from your desktop, or request detention utilizing the My Loads widget in the CoyoteGO mobile app.

Keep in mind — to be eligible to request detention, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Arrive on time at the facility
  • Have a signed Bill of Lading (BOL) with in and out times
  • Request detention within 24 hours of pickup

Detention request in CoyoteGO for carriers

Request detention in CoyoteGO for carriers mobile app

All user types can access both the “notify” and “request” detention functionalities. To find out how to add and promote users, check out our step-by-step instructions in Chapter 3 of our CoyoteGO guide.

You can upload all relevant load documents to make sure we can process your invoice and reimburse your accessorials (when applicable), including:

    • Invoice
    • Bill of Lading (BOL)
    • Proof of Delivery (POD)
    • Lumper Ticket/Receipt
    • Scale Ticket
    • In-Gate/Out-Gate Ticket
    • Pallet Receipt
    • Detention Loading/Unloading Documentation
    • Load Tender
    • Customs Documents
    • Packaging Labels
    • Repair Receipts
    • Exit Pass

Just select the document type, then a window will pop up prompting you to select the relevant document.

Upload documents in CoyoteGO for carriers

On the right side, you will see document notifications. Yellow notifications will tell you of any errors as well as what additional documents are required to properly invoice your load.

Once you fulfill all document requirements. You will get a green notification. When you are ready to invoice, just select Generate Invoice.

Generate invoice in CoyoteGO for carriers

Advance Lumper Payment Options

While you can pay out of pocket for lumpers and submit receipts for reimbursement in CoyoteGO, there are also two options for receiving up-front payment for lumper services in the platform.

You may:

  • Request a Relay code to pay for lumpers at pre-approved facilities.
  • Request an instant T-Chek to cover the cost of lumpers at any facility in the U.S.

Drivers who want to avoid paying out of pocket can access either of these options by navigating to the load in the CoyoteGO mobile app and selecting “Lumper.” If the facility is approved for Relay codes, the code will appear on the next screen. You may present this code to the attendant at the facility.

Relay code for lumpers in CoyoteGO for carriers

If the facility is not pre-approved for Relay, you may request a T-Chek from the next screen.

TChek for lumpers in CoyoteGO for carriers

Note that you must submit a lumper receipt within 48 hours to verify the amount you requested for your T-Chek if you choose this method.

Review Charges & Submit Invoices

Once you select Generate Invoice in the Documents tab, it will send you over to Charges where you can review one more time before submitting your invoice.

When you’ve verified that everything is correct and you’re ready, select your preferred payment method and submit.

We’ll get you paid according to your terms!

Submit invoice in CoyoteGO for carriers

Access Your Financial History

You can easily access your financial records any time through our Financial Summary page. To utilize this feature, navigate to the Financials tab at the top of CoyoteGO and choose Payments from the drop-down menu.

Once you are on the Financial Summary page, you will see three columns:

  • Payment number
  • Date of payment
  • Amount of money received

To filter your financial summary for a specific period of time, simply adjust the dates using the “Date Range” bar. At the top of the page, you will see your total income for the selected time frame.

Payments page in CoyoteGO for carriers

Filling Out a 1099-C for Your Taxes

Typically, you have to wait for a paper 1099-C to file your taxes. That is no longer the case.

Now, instead of relying on a physical copy of your records, you can access your entire payment history on-demand from your desktop.

To utilize your Financial Summary for tax purposes, use the embedded calendar tool to filter your financial summary for the correct year (i.e. January 1, 2020-December 31, 2020).

Once you have the data you need, you can export your records to an Excel file.

Look for Reloads

If your driver is getting empty on their load and needs to plan their next move, the Reloads tab is a great place to start.

We present suggested available loads based on the driver’s drop off location, expected empty time and equipment type, making it easier to keep your trucks loaded and rolling.

Manage Your Loads from Your Phone

The CoyoteGO mobile app has almost all of the same functionality, including the ability to upload pictures of documents, rate facilities, track driver progress via GPS.

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